Field Trip? Part III
This is still in St. Rita of Casela Shrine, our last stop - Imelda Marcos is tat chu?Interesting they have basketful of prayer requests. Ekkkk I saw one of my devoted Catholic friend wrote Dear Ate Charo?(&*&%#$@%$%**(_{ What kind of anomaly is this???
By this time they are really hungry... It's already 4PM and we haven't eaten lunch yet... So off to Chinatown in Mai Lai Wai since everybody is craving for rice lol.
This is the Walang Himala Shot...We have survived Bisita Iglesia, ng walang nag Emily Rose o diba? Kaya naman ganito na lang ang tuya ng Butsi Gang. Sa wakas pwede nang kumain.
ang wafuuuuuu ni chuvaaaaa
ehem... shhshhh!
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