Wednesday, July 18, 2007

care to switch? is a super cool social media website where members can switch their old and slightly used DVDs, CDs, Games and Books with other members for free. Start switching your old and used DVD's, CD's, Games and Books with some new used things that you don't have. It is a very cool idea!, Whoever discovered this is a genius! It'll save alot of people's money, cause in this case if I have a used materials like books, cd's and dvd's and kind of tired of it and want a new one... I don't have to buy anymore, all I have to do is sign up to become a member and instantly have new things for FREE! slogan's really suits them, Use more... Waste less! True That!!!

What are you waiting for? Instead of that old dvd's, cd's and books collects dust in your home why don't you create a free account now, start setting up your membership profile and list of items and trading preferences and you'll be ready to trade today with some new and interesting titles that you really want to see, hear and or play.

SwitchPlanet is the fast, friendly, free and best of all Green way to make the most of your old media. Plus, we are no longer in private beta, so all of your friends and family can join.

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